Monday, February 8, 2016

Public directory information makes students more susceptible to potential scammers.

           In The Daily Texan published February/08/16 I read an article about the students' public directory information making them more liable to any potential scammers in or out the area.
   It started off by stating that this information being so public is the main cause for  UT students to be better and easier targets for these scammers. The information that can be seen by the public is the students name, address, emails and even phone numbers. UTPD argues that these scams start off by a plain phone call where it looks like it is law enforcement and they lead you into thinking you have an open balance therefore you are told to get some type of prepaid card and give them the card information. UTPD also argue that with tax season coming there will be higher amounts of scams worldwide. There is also a story where a recent scam is described in detail about a former student that was called by a man and was told that she owed $980. I believe that this article is worth reading because scams are relatable to anyone and could possibly happen everywhere not just in schools. It is highly important that we know what steps to take in case we are put in this situation.

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