Wednesday, March 30, 2016

''Execution Stayed for Dallas Accountant Who Killed Daughters.''

    In The Texas Tribune I read an article that really gave me the chills. John Battaglia, a Dallas TX. Accountant shot and killed his two daughters while their mother listened to everything on the phone. Turns out John was upset because his wife had filed for divorce a year and a half before the tragic accident, however beating his wife wasn't enough. May/02/2001 he killed both his daughters and was caught by police getting a tattoo that represented them later that night. He was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death in April 2002 and has lived that way for about 14 years. Throughout his time in prison many test were made where it was determined he had a bipolar disorder and in order for them to complete the death penalty he had to be aware of when and why he was going to be killed so they decided to stay it. According to The Texas Tribune this was ''the first stay issued in Texas this year.'' In my opinion there are many things that are wrong. However I am not the one to wish death or bad among others I do believe that they made a horrible decision by staying the death penalty against John I mean he killed his own daughters without having an explanation to why. Those girls didn't get to live their life because of him and even though he's in prison he is still breathing. Taking him away will never bring those young girls back but at least it will be a way of justice for Mary. (The mother of the two girls.)    

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