Wednesday, May 11, 2016

''Mental Health Improvement."

  In State 28 by Tiara Tate, I read her article about the Mental Health Improvement in which I happened to agree with her thoughts into making any change possible. She states that the Department of State Health Services raised their budget back in 2014 and that they have made good improvements. Tiara says that she still feels like they should do more for a change because many people are staying with little to no help and there are hundreds of people still on waiting list to receive any attention and they should start the process as soon as possible. I say that the government has the power necessary to fix this issue and help as many people as possible with the appropriate resources.  I also agree with her last comment on abandoning the situation only making more problems with people staying angry and in need.  I feel like everyone deserves their right to get any type of treatment.

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