Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Supreme Court:Voter ID Law Will Stay In Effect for Now.

           In the Texas Tribune I read an article about the voter ID law by Jordan Rudner. The U.S Supreme Court says that the law will remain in effect however as the November elections get closer and closer the U.S fifth circuit court of appeals is running out of time to make a definite decision and if they don't do so by July 20th the justices may or will revisit the issue. The big law that is yet being asked is that upcoming voters have at least one of the seven government ID's before casting any ballot which some say it is a discriminatory act although they argue that it is only to prevent fraud in the states. In August of 2015 a three-judge panel said that the law did in fact have some type of discriminatory effect and that is why they are questioning this law and want to get to the bottom of it .The U.S Justice Department didn't want the fifth circuit of appeals to take the hearings again they did so anyway and are willing to commit to what they believe is right. The court hearing will take place this month on the 24th day where they will proceed to take a decision towards if the law may or may not continue and hope to finish everything before the November elections.

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