Wednesday, May 11, 2016

''Mental Health Improvement."

  In State 28 by Tiara Tate, I read her article about the Mental Health Improvement in which I happened to agree with her thoughts into making any change possible. She states that the Department of State Health Services raised their budget back in 2014 and that they have made good improvements. Tiara says that she still feels like they should do more for a change because many people are staying with little to no help and there are hundreds of people still on waiting list to receive any attention and they should start the process as soon as possible. I say that the government has the power necessary to fix this issue and help as many people as possible with the appropriate resources.  I also agree with her last comment on abandoning the situation only making more problems with people staying angry and in need.  I feel like everyone deserves their right to get any type of treatment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Supreme Court:Voter ID Law Will Stay In Effect for Now.

           In the Texas Tribune I read an article about the voter ID law by Jordan Rudner. The U.S Supreme Court says that the law will remain in effect however as the November elections get closer and closer the U.S fifth circuit court of appeals is running out of time to make a definite decision and if they don't do so by July 20th the justices may or will revisit the issue. The big law that is yet being asked is that upcoming voters have at least one of the seven government ID's before casting any ballot which some say it is a discriminatory act although they argue that it is only to prevent fraud in the states. In August of 2015 a three-judge panel said that the law did in fact have some type of discriminatory effect and that is why they are questioning this law and want to get to the bottom of it .The U.S Justice Department didn't want the fifth circuit of appeals to take the hearings again they did so anyway and are willing to commit to what they believe is right. The court hearing will take place this month on the 24th day where they will proceed to take a decision towards if the law may or may not continue and hope to finish everything before the November elections.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

''Texas Officer Appears to body-slam middle school girl in shocking viral video.''

 In Through The Eyes Of Texas by Alyssa Dakota Rangel I read her article about the Texas officer body slamming a middle school girl in a video gone viral. Although she seemed very hesitant to share her opinion she ended by stating that she could not chose who's side to be on. I seem to agree very much on her argument because the article made me feel the same way. Although the police is here to make us feel safe they get carried at times but since the viral video didn't show us both sides of the story we tend to judge the police more. I was able to relate to Alyssa's opinion and I do think that in order to judge we need to see both sides. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

''Execution Stayed for Dallas Accountant Who Killed Daughters.''

    In The Texas Tribune I read an article that really gave me the chills. John Battaglia, a Dallas TX. Accountant shot and killed his two daughters while their mother listened to everything on the phone. Turns out John was upset because his wife had filed for divorce a year and a half before the tragic accident, however beating his wife wasn't enough. May/02/2001 he killed both his daughters and was caught by police getting a tattoo that represented them later that night. He was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death in April 2002 and has lived that way for about 14 years. Throughout his time in prison many test were made where it was determined he had a bipolar disorder and in order for them to complete the death penalty he had to be aware of when and why he was going to be killed so they decided to stay it. According to The Texas Tribune this was ''the first stay issued in Texas this year.'' In my opinion there are many things that are wrong. However I am not the one to wish death or bad among others I do believe that they made a horrible decision by staying the death penalty against John I mean he killed his own daughters without having an explanation to why. Those girls didn't get to live their life because of him and even though he's in prison he is still breathing. Taking him away will never bring those young girls back but at least it will be a way of justice for Mary. (The mother of the two girls.)    

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

''Thanks, Obama.''

  ''Thanks, Obama.''  is a very short article about Ted Cruz being upset with President Obama for staying in Cuba instead of being in Brussels and perhaps ''shooting a Muslim'' as she says. This short article was written by Juanita Jean's. She starts off her article by stating Ted Cruz's reason for being upset which was because Obama so happened to stay in Cuba instead of being in Brussels. However she doesn't explain the reason why he should be there.
  The recent incident that happened in Brussels yesterday March/22/16, where three explosions occurred. Two at the Brussels airport and one at the Maalbeek metro. About 34 people where killed and dozens were left injured fighting for their life. She randomly brings out the recent twitter fight between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump exposing each others wife's where the she states that Obama should join the twitter fight. The authors claim Glenn Beck is the ''standard of sanity in the republican party.'' In my opinion I feel as if the author could've written her argument a bit differently I would say a bit serious. I would've like to know Obamas reason for being in Cuba and many other details more. I guess I can say that it was a very relaxed Blog post but left many questions unanswered.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hispanic Heritage Month: Building A Brighter future.

In The Daily Texan I read an article about building a brighter future written by Mariana Munoz. She does however reach out to a specific audience which happens to be Hispanic students and those students that feel like they have it hard for themselves. Mariana grew up having to see her mother struggle working two jobs to support her and her siblings and her mom would take them at times to help her in an okra factory. Her mother would tell her to try hard in school and to not give up and by taking them to work her mother hoped to force them to hate it so much they would not settle for less and continue their education. She became a student of the University of Texas at Austin and came to a conclusion that as she was still in high school she watched many of her peers drop out that she just could not live knowing that she could make a difference. The media has a very strong stereotype of Hispanics having low income and just having a lack of education, which helped her want to make a change and a brighter future to many. Mariana did not want that stereotype to stop many students from trying and giving up and making them actually believe that stereotype so she decided to study to become a teacher because her path in her education was surrounded by supportive teachers and she felt like she could do so as well. Hoping that as a teacher she can help her students not give up, be a great source of support for them, get rid of those stereotypes and help them have a great future since she knows the struggles they have to overcome just to be successful and have a great income. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Public directory information makes students more susceptible to potential scammers.

           In The Daily Texan published February/08/16 I read an article about the students' public directory information making them more liable to any potential scammers in or out the area.
   It started off by stating that this information being so public is the main cause for  UT students to be better and easier targets for these scammers. The information that can be seen by the public is the students name, address, emails and even phone numbers. UTPD argues that these scams start off by a plain phone call where it looks like it is law enforcement and they lead you into thinking you have an open balance therefore you are told to get some type of prepaid card and give them the card information. UTPD also argue that with tax season coming there will be higher amounts of scams worldwide. There is also a story where a recent scam is described in detail about a former student that was called by a man and was told that she owed $980. I believe that this article is worth reading because scams are relatable to anyone and could possibly happen everywhere not just in schools. It is highly important that we know what steps to take in case we are put in this situation.